Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Annual Honey Creek Progressive Dinner

Honey Creek Progressive Dinner Invitation

Bring A Dish and Visit With Your Neighbors
             Meet & Greet        Salads                             Main                             Course           Desserts                                                                             
Please RSVP by May 4th  to Lori nslmbrown@msn.com(425)255- 0141
Let me know:  How many& what delicious dish you will contribute.
Please bring what you are drinking.  This is an adult event

Friday, December 9, 2011

AWARENESS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AWARENESS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This a communication alert notice.

With the Holiday season on us we need to be aware of thefts that can and have occurred.
We try to emphasize the need to park vehicles when able in the your garage so to be a deterrent for thieves.

A home has been a victim of burglary just resent. It was between 3 - 5pm.  their address is 3215 NE 26th Ct.
If anyone has seen any suspicious people in the neighborhood please call 911 to be safe.